Practical Vehicle Wrap Guidelines to Advertise Your Business

Reading Time | 7 Minutes

Today I want to discuss the appropriate use of domains when considering a vehicle wrap.

Quite often I see a number of vehicles as I travel to and from work, and really throughout the Central Texas area.

One thing I notice quite often is the number of vehicle wraps used by companies to advertise and increase the general awareness of their company.

In my opinion, vehicle wraps are a great way to draw attention and awareness to your company.

Tis’ the season for party cruises, barges, and boats…

Reading Time | 6 Minutes

As I drove into work the other morning, I was reminded that summer is here.

How? Well, one of the first reasons I knew it was summer was that there were only 5 to 6 cars on my commute.

For the next 3 months, I can say that I’ll have Austin’s traffic beat.

Most of the time, my commute consists of seeing 2-3 school buses, teenage drivers and parents trying to get kids off to daycare and school.

The second reason I knew summer had arrived was that I saw Austin’s Affordable Party Bus,, at the intersection 2769 and Bullock Hollow in route to Volente, which is where I office.

The music was blaring and it looked to be standing room only on the bus. I could make out trunks, bikinis and swimsuits so I know it had to be a high school or college end of school party.

Below is a picture of the bus i snapped on my way home the same day:

Austin's Affordable Party Bus

Nevertheless, I continued towards the office, envying the party bus of youth in their prime just living up the weekday with a lake party.

As I pulled into Volente, passing the Volente Shore Club, the third reason that let me know summer was here was seeing a white banner with blue text.

How one company captures the local medical transportation market one ride at a time

Reading Time | 6 Minutes

Today’s post is one of those being the right person, in the right place, and at the right time type of situations.

It all started when our boys experienced frequent back to back illnesses. When you have 2 little boys at age 3 and under, its likely that you’ll always a few sicknesses and illnesses.

In our case, with our boys regularly attending BSF and a mother’s day out program weekly, and then our church, for roughly 6 months, they were sick with croup, strep and ear infections.

It got to a point that we would get one healed, and the other would become ill in hours. We’re not talking weeks, we’re talking months, to the tune of 6 months to be exact.

Nevertheless, our pediatrician referred us to the Great Hills ENT located off Jollyville in Austin, not too far from

After a series of tests, we decided to pray and wait for our oldest to get tubes put in. As for our youngest, our concerns we’re really heightened due to the him being at the stage of early word and pronunciation development.

All this news in a short period of time was somewhat a stressful, to say the least. Trust me, you never want to hear a negative report that includes your child’s hearing and speech development.

An Electrifying National Brand Grows Its Franchises Using Subdomains and Directories

Reading Time | 8 Minutes

A while back I wrote about using subdomains to boost search rankings and targeted traffic.

I won’t cover all that was mentioned in this post. Sorry, you’ll have to read up.

Nevertheless, my wife and I were taking the boys on what we thought was a quick walk to the mailbox and back home.

Of course, we got to the mailbox and our boys put the puppy dog eyes on us. They wanted to walk a bit further than the half block we had walked to arrive at the neighborhood mailbox station.

And as the good parents we are, we obliged their request and continue around the block. 😀

As we turned the corner at the end of the block to make our way down the next street, I perked up a bit because my eyes focused in on a yellow and red van with blue writing.

Vanity Branding: Matching Domain Names, and Local Phone and Toll-Free Numbers.

Reading Time | 8 Minutes

My daily travels provide me with much of the content I regularly share and engage with you via this website.

I keep my eyes on alert as I drive or ride around, especially taking long trips like the one that’s coming up this week.

Nevertheless, I see many forms of advertisements and quite a few companies using a wide variety of domain names.

From signs to vehicle wraps to windows to billboards to tv commercials, domains have become a way of life and a vital part of business for a plethora of businesses, especially businesses with a local market focus.

On my most recent trip into the office one morning last week, I encountered a pickup truck with some writing on the back of it.

As usual, I attempted to understand what exactly the pickup truck was advertising based on its tailgate.

The use of Spanish domain names and the fastest-growing demographic

Reading Time | 4 Minutes

Today’s post is quite short, or at least I’m thinking it will be short.

During Mother’s Day Weekend, I encountered a domain name that made scratch my head for more than a couple of reasons.

Initially, the delivery van pictured below passed my family and me. We were on our way to visit my wife’s parents and spend the weekend with them.

When I initially saw the van, I couldn’t make out the domain name, but, using my content clues, knew it was a catering van for Mexican food.

Choosing a Domain That Helps Your Business – Not Limits It

Reading Time | 10 Minutes

Today, does your domain limit where and how your business grows tomorrow?

Use the restroom, grab your coffee and a snack for today’s thoughts. Let’s begin.

I’m not certain that too many business owners think about the posed question in great detail. It’s quite apparent when observing the number of businesses within the radius of where one lives and works.

Personally, I encounter and engage a small number of SMB businesses that “get it” while others don’t have a clue nor do they clearly comprehend the importance of a digital presence.

When your business outgrows its domain name…

Reading Time | 5 Minutes

Is it really possible that a company, regardless of the size, could outgrow their domain name or digital presence?

Hmm… That is the question that entered my mind.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve shared quite a few encounters with companies that are using geo keyword or keyword geo domains.

Today is no different, as the company I’ll discuss is using a geo keyword domain.

And the story goes like this…

Why more Austin companies are owning their market with geo keyword domains

Reading Time | 5 Minutes

It’s been a few posts since I last shared some of my experiences of traveling around Austin, and encountering businesses that understand the importance of owning and operating a geo keyword digital presence.

With many small businesses being focused on a given location and market, often times not many business owners are able to wrap their minds around the importance of a domain name and its direct correlation to their business’ bottom line.

For the many that don’t seem to get it, there are a handful that do get the importance of a digital presence for their business.

And today, I want to share I few businesses that I encountered in recent weeks that, by my book, get it! 🙂

Round Rock-based tree removal finds profitable success using keyword geo domain

Reading Time | 4 Minutes

In between my travels throughout Austin and Texas in general, I encounter a multitude of billboards, signage, businesses and mobile advertisements that use all sorts of domain names.

With nearly 2 million people in the greater Austin Metro area, having the appropriate and most lucrative digital presence is a MUST in a highly competitive market.

Supply and demand works against businesses in Austin Metro area in regards to owning and operating your business using geo keyword domains.

It’s not easy to get one’s hands on a “Austin + keyword” domain or any other city surrounding Austin. Most have been owned and operated for at least 15 years, if not longer.

So that begs the question. Is it possible to have the same profitable success using the inverse domain, meaning using a “keyword + city” domain?