Minisites don’t make money, businesses do!

Reading Time | 5 Minutes

Using minisites, also known as microsites, to make money is nothing new under the sun for Internet business owners.

For as long as I can remember and have been involved with Internet businesses, dating back to 2000, web gurus, developers, and website owners have been developing and optimizing minisites, simple 1-10 page websites, in hopes of gaining greater search engine rankings and striking it rich financially.

Are microsites a good search marketing vehicle?

Reading Time | 5 Minutes

In the land of microsites either they work or they don’t work, and there are many secrets to effectively using microsites.

Of course, that is a blanket statement in itself at the surface level.

There are many pros and cons to the microsite storied debate of whether businesses should or should not use microsites and how a business should go about implementation and execution.

Most individuals or businesses that have correctly implemented and executed microsites as a marketing strategy has found tremendous success in their ability to drive traffic, sales, and customer growth.

So, what are microsites? 

Qualified Lead Generation Using Leased Websites

Reading Time | 8 Minutes

Leased websites are nothing new under the sun in terms of generating customer growth and revenue for businesses.

At its core, leased websites are nothing more than lead generation websites given a different name some would say. 

And if you have been around sales and marketing longer than 15 minutes, then you’ll appreciate and understand their worlds are built around an important business of concern: lead generation

And what are leads?

Simply put, leads typically refer to a person or set of persons who are ready to buy your products, use your services, or simply show great interest in your business.

Lead generation is a popular inbound marketing term used by businesses as a means of attracting new customers.

Businesses use lead generation as a method to achieve consistent and qualified sales leads which generate consistent streams of revenue and increased market share.

There are many ways to generate leads in business, such as through advertisements, phone calls, and word of mouth.

In today’s post, I will attempt to help you further understand the pros and cons of lead generation using leased websites.

I will discuss in great detail how leased websites could prove to be good or bad based on the type of business you own and operate.