Reading Time | 4 MinutesLast week’s date night found my wife and I venturing off to the movies sans kids to view ‘Won’t You Be My Neighbor’ — a movie that examines the life and legacy of Fred Rogers, the beloved host of the popular children’s TV show “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.”
Seeing we don’t watch much TV around the House of Brown, I didn’t realize ‘Won’t You Be My Neighbor’ was a movie until my wife mentioned it to me after we stumbled upon a Behind-The-Scenes Special chronicling the journey of Rogers.
A few weeks passed and up popped an date night invite to the movies. As we waited for ‘Won’t You Be My Neighbor’ to begin, a number of movie trailers played one after the next.
As they played, I noticed it had been years since I had been in a movie theater. It was interesting to discover how movies of today are being advertised in their use of #hashtags and social media usage — advertising Twitter, Instagram and Facebook handles.
Of course, there were a number of movies advertising matching or near matching .com domains that included movie title and the word “movie” in it.
Being I love and am held captive by domains more than the average person, two distinct movies stood out to many out of likely 10-15 or so that rolled this night: ‘The King’ and ‘Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot’.