Reading Time | 2 MinutesWould you buy and have grocery items delivered to you if it saved you up to 30% more than national supermarket chains?
We’re a family of five, with three kids at or under the age of 7 — 7, 5, and 3, to be exact. Two years ago, my family found itself in the throws of navigating life with a 5, 3, and 1-year-old.
During this “wilderness” experience of roughly 3-4 years without venturing out to restaurants due to the possibility of a cataclysmic meltdown or any delay, my wife certainly got intimately familiar with food and grocery delivery services.
Fast forward a few years, and food and grocery delivery services are every mother’s dream come true, especially for a mother of young children.
Like any other fast-growing metropolis, Austin is home to a number of varying food and grocery delivery service providers.
I recently discovered one of these service providers — conveniently parked next to my car — as I jumped into my car to travel home from receiving a haircut at a local barbershop.