Conquering Division With .Love Digital Presence

Celebrating .love extension with love-cards
Reading Time | 2 Minutes

A few days ago I stumbled upon an interesting domain find while responding to a LinkedIn message about a domain inquiry.

What caught my eye about the post in my newsfeed was a video accompanied by a Max Mueller quote showcased a domain name using a .love extension.

Paul Howard Design - LoveHarder.Love

Upon further review, the post was made by Paul Howard, a longtime graphic designer and creative arts expert of Paul Howard Design.

Based on Paul’s LinkedIn description of Love Harder, his goal for the project is to create a movement in an attempt to encourage us all to conquer the division that keeps humans from coming together.

Not only is Paul the mastermind behind the Love Harder movement, but he’s also produced gear for folks to show their support for LoveHarder.Love.

Not knowing the .LOVE domain extension existed, I contacted Paul to understand how heard about and why he choose to use a .love domain for his project instead of a .com.

Paul stated, “I wasn’t aware that there was a .LOVE until I tried to register the domain. The usual .COM and .NET were commanding way too much money on my meager budget.”

Paul’s comment is nothing new under the sun for persons and businesses desiring to purchase a .com domain comprised of popular keywords or keyword phrases.

Quite often persons and businesses are met with unexpected sticker shock of 4, 5, 6, and even 7-figure values for desirable .com domains.

Many never respond to or simply walk from tense negotiations with domain owners, settling for second or third best option — which is often a variation of the .com or a non .com domain.

It’s always best to prepare for and enter into domain negotiations willing to invest top dollar for a top-shelf .com domain.

If not, you’ll discover that every touch point in time to inquire about desired .com domain could reflect significant price increases, especially should their be other buyers also interested.

Nevertheless, going with a non .com domain may not be the best option, but it is an affordable option when compared to .com aftermarket pricing.

Alvin Brown
Alvin is a serial entrepreneur and digital strategist with an avid love for domain name consulting. As the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of, his assignment is to ensure business and personal brands don't suffer the consequences of common domain name pitfalls.

As a domain investor and business consultant, Alvin actively participates in daily domain auctions. Outside of auctions, he passionately shares his views, opinions, and vision for how businesses should and should not use domain names to generate greater customer growth and revenue.