Learning to Drive Online and In-Person with Drivers Ed

drivers ed cones
Reading Time | 4 Minutes

Learning to drive is likely one of the most memorable moments in life for both parents and child, and for many different reasons — the good, the bad, and ugly.

While teens are pumped to no longer have to request the services of the parental taxi, parents are certainly apprehensive — to say the least — when it comes to allowing their “baby” to operate machinery tonnage in the great big outdoors.

Dating myself, I remember having attended driver’s education school in the mid 90’s. Comprised of a number of classroom hours — reading and studying, watching VHS videos, and taking test by hand — and hands-on instruction in a dated clunker, today’s driver’s education school has drastically changed.

I was recently reminded of this change while out on a walk enjoying a nice warm day in between 40 degree shifts in the Texas’ sporadic weather pattern.

As I walked by the Mini of Austin dealership, parked in the service area was a Mini Cooper with a wrap advertising the student driver services of DriversEd.com.

DriversEd.com Auto Wrap

Oh what I would have given to have learned to drive the vehicle above instead of the late 80’s to early 90’s Oldsmobile Cutlass Calais, Ford Tauras or Buick Century.


Well, so much for wishing. What has been done is done, and a new day has emerged for student drivers and service providers.

While auto innovation and technology has advanced for student drivers and service providers, some attitudes still remain the same — ducking and dodging the youth of today behind the wheel. ?

Truthfully, I’ve shied away from more than a few DriversEd.com cars encountered while out and about, yet have never been able to snap a still picture until today.

In my opinion, the DriversEd.com domain is perfect for the brand, and they’ve done a good job advertising their business elegantly wrapping their vehicles.

As I continued my stroll, I pondered if there could be other domain options available and a better fit for DriversEd.com. I would soon discover the answer once I arrived back at the office and was able to get back in front of a web browser to execute a few domain name searches (* denotes domain is available at time of publication):

While there are some good options from the aforementioned list of domains, I believe DriversEd.com is the best domain to brand a business that has a national footprint and online service offering. It is truly a one-of-a-kind name, one that is quite challenging to duplicate and ripoff the brand with a similar name (in my opinion).

In fact, most student driving service providers are local or regional, likely operated as a mom-and-pop business. If you’re operating a student driving business with a local or regional focus, then you may want to consider a geo service domain to brand as your digital presence — if unable to settle on the right brandable domain.

For example, if the student driving business was based in Austin, then one could try the following geo service domains:

For those not familiar, ATX is the abbreviation often used by businesses based in Austin, TeXas (see it?). While geo service domains aren’t a good fit for every company or industry, geo service domains do make sense for hyper-local and local-based and focused businesses that don’t have a desire to grow beyond the local scope.

But if the goal is to capture business beyond local and regional footprints, then the best shot at national and global success is to secure a brandable domain like DriversEd.com.

Well, I’m out of time for this segment, but wish you the best in discovering and securing a one-of-a-kind domain to represent your business. Thanks and that’s all for now!

Alvin Brown
Alvin is a serial entrepreneur and digital strategist with an avid love for domain name consulting. As the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of DNAdverts.com, his assignment is to ensure business and personal brands don't suffer the consequences of common domain name pitfalls.

As a domain investor and business consultant, Alvin actively participates in daily domain auctions. Outside of auctions, he passionately shares his views, opinions, and vision for how businesses should and should not use domain names to generate greater customer growth and revenue.