My latest customer visit to San Diego

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I’m coming in hot off a business trip to San Diego today, having arrived in San Diego a little after noon Sunday.

Visit | San Diego, California

While it was a much needed break from the brutal Texas heat, I didn’t get to do much sightseeing as I would have liked.

It was airport to hotel, hotel to customer site for all day meetings and back to hotel, and from hotel to airport.

In addition, I didn’t rent a car, so about the only domains I captured were thanks to “ubering” to and fro.

But I did manage to capture a few domains specific to San Deigo, brandables, catch phrases, and generics. | San Diego County Credit Union | Nautical Antiques

Tile With Elegance

Stem Express Donors - San Diego, Ca

BioSurplus - San Diego, CA

Amidst all day meetings, I did manage to sneak over to Poseidon for dinner on the beach with the customer, capturing the sunset (look closely at horizon for the pinkish orange dot in the video), and capping off a good trip.

Although it was a quick-turn trip with great weather, food and a delightful visit with the customer, I’m glad to be back deep in the heart of Texas’ capital and land of keeping all weird: Austin.

Oh yeah, I landed and spotted one more domain sporting a service I might treat myself to after a week of travel:  That’s all for now. Stayed tuned for next domain encounter.

Alvin Brown
Alvin is a serial entrepreneur and digital strategist with an avid love for domain name consulting. As the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of, his assignment is to ensure business and personal brands don't suffer the consequences of common domain name pitfalls.

As a domain investor and business consultant, Alvin actively participates in daily domain auctions. Outside of auctions, he passionately shares his views, opinions, and vision for how businesses should and should not use domain names to generate greater customer growth and revenue.